
Martha Dickson Patterson was born in Dallas, Texas and lived there in that culture until her early 20’s. She followed her husband to WA state, and has lived there ever since, except for three years when she lived in southern CA. Most of her life was spent as a homemaker and mom.

Martha started writing a little on social media in 2013 and ended up participating in two think tanks on Facebook. Her thoughts and contributions were well received as she stacked up numerous awards of excellence for her reporting and opinions. She is conservative in her views and freely speaks out on many social topics.

She plans on starting a series on Friendship, Relationships and Communication techniques in the near future, because she believes that those “Arts” have been lost, partly due to everyone having their noses stuck looking into Smart Phones and computers, and have lost the ability to have face to face and meaningful connections with others.

Martha’s main interests lie along the horizon of politics and current events, especially those involving her very liberal state of Washington.  She speaks out often about her feelings of being held hostage in a state mired in progressive dogma.  She says the state is carried by a couple of highly populated liberal counties.  She feels the ‘sad joke’ is that Washington has a ‘Governor of Seattle’ … not the entire state.  Property taxes, sales taxes and car tabs are voted in by people who don’t own property, own cars and only spend welfare checks for goods.

National politics has become a focus of many of Martha’s topics over the past half-dozen years. Being a mother of 3, grandmother of 7 and great-grandmother of 3 she is very concerned on the state of America.

A few of Martha’s personal thoughts . . . . .

I think many in America have been severally depressed over politics, and now that we have a President [Trump] who owes no one anything other  than the Americans who elected him that depression is lifting.   WE THE PEOPLE  have been heard.  The trip to the top of the mountain is not going to be easy. America needs a huge amount of repair, and it will take many years probably to heal. This will be my focus … plus anything I feel I want to ‘get off my chest’. I hope many will chime in with comments.  I love hearing ideas from many different points of view.  I will be respectful of those voicing ideas I do not agree with and ask the same from any readers in disagreement of me.

Martha’s current hobbies and interests are her Blogging, quilting, and making hard copy picture albums for her seven grandkids and two nephews. The albums cover seven generations now that she has some great grand-children. She also enjoys her Flickr page, where she has over 400 pictures uploaded that are presented in several albums of her family, and a smidgen of her over 200 quilts she has completed over the years.

17 Responses to About

  1. ahuelon says:

    I think Robin will become the poster boy for mental illness. He would be so happy to know he is still helping. Speaking out is our sword we use to chop down the misunderstandings connected to mental disorders. We need to stand together and let the world know what we go through and how we suffer and that we all want to get better if only we could.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. abodyofhope says:

    I have nominated you for a Liebster Award for new bloggers! Congratulations!!! 🙂 🙂 I’m so glad we started blogging around the same time and found one another. I think your page is an inspiration.
    Go check out your nomination!

    Sharing My Secrets with The Gad About Town

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Jennwith2ns says:

    Thank you for following my blog, and thank you for sharing your heart and experiences here. It takes courage, and love. Very inspirational.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Sandy Sue says:

    Hi, Marty. It’s so nice to meet you. I wish you much joy in this blogging stuff. It’s the best therapy I know. Thanks for visiting my site and choosing to follow along.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. haylimayli says:

    Thanks for following my blog and leading me to yours! I’m finding it helpful and interesting.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. La Panzona {Pahn.So.Nuh} says:

    This is the first time in my life, almost 38 years old, that I have “met” or “connected” with so many people managing mental illness, in particular bipolar disorder and depression. Very nice to have found your blog and read about your experiences. Saludos, la Panzona {Pahn.So.Nuh}

    Liked by 1 person

    • ahuelon says:

      Thanks for commenting. The cat is out of the bag and we are going to talk openly about mental illness. It has been hidden too long. We can learn from each other and have a place where we can talk about how we feel and deal with being bipolar or what ever type of mental illness we have safely and openly. Others who are trying to understand us and want to learn now have a place where they can go and become enlightened. Welcome aboard.

      Liked by 1 person

      • La Panzona {Pahn.So.Nuh} says:

        Thank you. I agree. I think it’s important for those who love us and those who “tolerate” us to have access not only to the scientifc info but learn from our varied, lived experience coping and managing (or not coping and managing). Take good care

        Liked by 1 person

      • Martha, I have no other way to contact you. Facebook has blocked me for a couple of weeks already. Luckily, I have other places to comment on most of the Online publications that send me what’s happening. I think I will leave FB and delete it and they’d better delete everything. I am sick of this media outlet, that is totally left, has no problems with people, who openly call for Trump’s assassination, publish what this twit Ilhan Omar has to say and all her hurtful rhetoric about Jews etc. The blocking came after I responded (not kindly as usually, I have my way) with a quote from the Koran: “Infidels must be killed. Christians and Jews are the sons and daughters of apes and pigs”, taught in Kindergarten already. That they block. Mark Zuckerberg and I have attacked him in other media outlets since this ridiculous company has no problem with leftist garbage talk, but doesn’t even know anything I am talking about.Of course I can read everything on my site, but cannot comment. They gave me 29 days, MORONS.
        If you want to sent me your stuff my email is segan2434@cox.net or lovepaintingsigrid@aol.com


  7. Hey Marty, I haven’t seen you around for a while. I just wanted to make sure you were ok 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • ahuelon says:

      Thanks. I had a very hard Fall and Winter. Harder than usual. I am finally turning around. As soon as I get my taxes done I will begin blogging again. I just do not see any value in repeating “I am having a horrible day” over and over on a daily basis, and that would have been my posts. Also I had to stop reading other sad posts as I felt so bad for them. I also had some health issues that I am figuring out. Nothing serious hopefully. I have lost most of my ability to taste due to on going sinus problems. I have found I had some mold and fungus in my closet that has permeated my clothes, etc. I just hired a lady to empty contents of closet into plastic bags and had her scrub all walls and surfaces with a bleach solution. I have spent the past week washing and sanitizing the contents and putting them back. The closet is the width of my room so have been very busy. I am starting to look forward to reconnecting with all of the sweet souls I have met blogging. Thanks again for reaching out.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Gale Wright says:

    I’ve been following your blog for awhile and just today have seen that people can have so much in common even coming from opposite sides of it. I feel “held hostage” as a liberal in a very conservative county in the middle of a liberal state (New York)! I do think if I lived in the middle of your liberal state I would still feel held hostage because in reality I’m really middle of the road and wish each issue could be taken on its own and just solved with practical means. I really like for each person to have their own opinion based on realistic circumstances. Life is so interesting with all of us contributing our viewpoints. Anyway, I like your writing….

    Liked by 1 person

    • ahuelon says:

      Thanks for your comment. I think we all need to learn to be able to “Agree to disagree” and figure out what we do agree with. I try very hard not to throw all Democrats, progressives, and even Snowflakes in the same catagory. Fake news is another story. I think facts should be reported and let the reader decide. I bloged about mental illness for a while and have just re-entered the bloging world. Thanks for reading my work. Please comment often. I am open to opposing opinions. Honest debate can inlighten us all. I have been wrong many times based on what I knew and didn’t know. Thanks for checking me out. I hope to hear from you again. I read some of your work and liked it as well. Keep safe and healthy.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Gale Wright says:

        Emotions are running so high these days that it can make debate very difficult! But I do think most people will figure it out. Blogging and other online efforts I think make it possible to set emotions to the side most times. That’s what it does for me anyway. We do need to share our true selves and opinions in order to learn and grow. Thank you for your reply.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. TonyfromOz says:

    I live here in Australia, and I’m the Editor of a blog site in Pennsylvania, long story. I’ve been blogging there now for just on ten years, since March of 2008.
    You mentioned in your bio how you are making hard copy image albums of family for your grand children, and I immediately identified with that.
    It was a decision i made to create an album for our grand daughter, Savannah, when she was still very young. I knew that in later life she might come to us and ask if we had much history about her extended family, and I knew that when that time came, I would probably be a little too old perhaps to be of much help. So, I got in early and started that process, not thinking that it would take so long, and become so involved. It actually did take Months, and I had to scan all the images, around 400 of them, work on them with a quality image program, convert the image size, and then have copies made of all those images for the new and now quite huge album, which just ended up getting bigger and bigger, a long and very detailed process, and to say that I didn’t know what I let myself in for would be an understatement. Our marriage is my good lady wife’s second marriage, (37 years now) so a lot of the images were from a time I knew nothing about, so for the text accompanying at least half of the images I had to pick my wife’s brain for the context.
    When we gave her the album, she was probably too young to appreciate it, but it now takes pride of place in her room. However, our daughter (Savannah’s Mum) was absolutely fascinated with it, and for Months following, each time we visited, she would ask questions about some of the images, most of which even she knew nothing about. I included a family tree, something I thought might just fill one page of the album, but ended up filling two facing pages, and going back six generations on both my wife’s and my side, something even I had to research, thanks to my own Mum, and my Wife’s Mum as well,
    Anyway it got done, and is now a wonderful resource for her.
    Back to the blogging at my ‘home site’, I was asked to do a ‘Milestones’ Post to celebrate five years of doing this.
    That Post also ended up expanding as well, and in closing I gave an anecdote mentioning the album in the context of my blogging.
    I don’t expect you to read the whole thing, as it is very long, but if you are interested, then scroll towards the bottom of the Post until you see an image of a baby, our daughter, and read the text starting above that with the wording that includes ….. ‘Thanks to all of you, and in closing…..
    Sorry to make such a long comment, but I couldn’t help not commenting when I saw your own text abut a similar thing we have done.
    Thanks again.
    Link to Post: https://papundits.wordpress.com/2013/03/16/milestones-tonyfromoz-2008-to-2013/


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